wouldn't that be cool

this site is best viewed on pc! please be aware that there are some flashing graphics, mostly blinkies, scattered around the site :)

hi! this is still a work in progress! sometimes i update! mostly i dont.

this site IS mobile friendly; any issues are aesthetic only and don't impact the website's function.

here is my to-do list

also while you're here, here is an image of a cat.

a calico cat animated to blink and flick one ear.

jokes on you, it's a gif. get pranked.

a black and white blinky with a werewolf standing in front of the moon and the text 'awoooooooooooo' in all caps. a blinky reading 'transmasc swag' in all caps, with the colours changing between combinations of white, pink, and blue


these are some things i've used on the site that aren't linked elsewhere!

a blinky with nyan cat that says 'do your laundry' in the rainbow. an orange blinky that says 'naruto loves you!!'

thank you for visiting my website!

a small black cat who rolls over for a moment before returning to lying on its front.