wouldn't that be cool

learn more about meeeee


i'm cassidy (or uriel).

i'm a writer and a general lurker on the internet. this website is my place to share things i like and things i create without worrying about the entire thing sinking like twitter is currently doing. this is my unprofessional space, to share my joy with other people (like you!) without the promise of an employer or Official Person judging me for it.

it's also a place for my 10 million blinkies. i hope you like them :3


click the links for a full guide on how to use them!


a greyscale city skyline blinky with the words 'night person'. a rainbow blinky with the words 'i'm not human' in capital letters.

other things

i'm gonna split these with little pokemon sprites of some of my favourites i hope you're so excited


my birthday is june 17th! that makes me a gemini sun :3
thats the only security question hint you're getting ♥


on the topic of pokemon, the only pokemon game i've ever completed is pokemon x, but my first was pokemon diamond.
my favourite pokemon is absol and my favourite pokemon type is dark type!


my favourite way to write poetry in particular is either poetry magnets or using title prompts, like the annual escapril!
i'm not always good at completing every single prompt or day for things like escapril or nanowrimo, but i try and do some every year anyway.
i recommend giving them a go if you haven't!


this website is how i am learning to code! i knew no html or css before starting to make it :3


i have a habit of, when playing video game series, only completing one or not completing any of the games. the only two exceptions i can think of are dragon age (i've finished both 2 and inquisition) and persona (i've finished persona 3 portable, persona 4, and persona 5 royal).
relatedly, i have a lot of Thoughts on both of these series, but i'll spare you those rants.
